Statement of Faith
Thrive Academy seeks to partner with parents in educating their children in a way that will equip them to serve and glorify God. We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is central to this education. We are not affiliated with any specific church or denomination, but are unapologetic about our Christian worldview. We do not require that families share this faith, but do ask that they acknowledge that we will be teaching with this view at the center of everything we do.
I. The Word
We believe that the 39 books in the Old Testament and the 27 books in the New Testament are the written Word of God. All together, they are the infallible standard for all of life, including: understanding who God is, who we are, what went wrong in this world, how we can be reconciled to God, and how to live a life pleasing to Him.
II. God, The Trinity
We believe that before anything existed, God did. There is only one, true, and living God who exists in three separate, equal, unified, and distinct persons: The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. We call this, “The Trinity.”
III. God, the Father
We believe in God the Father, the Almighty, the Maker of all things, who created all that there is through the Son. We believe that the Father sovereignly governs all things that happen on the earth and mercifully chose to save sinners through the work of the Son.
IV. God, the Son
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, not created, the only begotten of the Father, who took on a human body, conceived without sin in the womb of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. We believe that He came to this earth to die for the sins of His people and that He was raised from the grave on the third day, as the first fruits from the dead, that He ascended into heaven, and now that He sits at the right hand of God the Father, where He constantly makes intercession for His people and is waiting to return to this earth in glory.
V. God, the Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who was not made, but proceeded from both the Father and Son. We believe that He holds together and helps apply the plan of the Father and the work of the Son in creation and redemption. He was sent to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He was sent to give new life, sanctify, empower, help, comfort, and indwell those who come to Christ by faith.
VI. The Gospel
We believe that the Bible primarily tells one story that is called, ‘The Gospel,’ which means, ‘Good news.’ This good news is the proclamation that all humans have rebelled against the true God, who is their judge, and deserve His judgment. There is no way that any person could make atonement by their words, deeds, or the motivations of their heart. But that God sent His Son, born into this world with a body, suffered the just judgment of God on behalf of His people. Christ died, was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the Right Hand of God, where He is Lord of all and Ruler of kings on earth. He will return to judge His enemies and establish His people on a renewed Earth.
VII. The Church
We believe that God’s redemption is not merely an individual experience, but that God is redeeming a people to unite together in His Son. It is through the gathering together of His people that displays the wonder and majesty of His wisdom. God’s design for His people to meet together, gather together, and commit to each other in local churches. These local churches are not buildings, signs, or paperwork – they are sinners who have been redeemed by Christ, brought to the God the Father, and made into a new family by the Holy Spirit.
VIII. Man and Woman
We believe that God created us male and female in His image; that gender identity may not be detached from the biological sex of the human body; that marriage is a covenantal, procreative union of one man and one woman; and that God intends for children to be raised and nurtured in an environment that honors these distinctions. We believe that sexual union is to be exclusive to covenantal, heterosexual marriage.
VIV. The End
We believe that Christ will return to judge His enemies and reward His people. There will be a resurrection for every human who ever lived. Some will rise to be judged forever. The people of Christ will rise again to life. The earth will be remade and His people will dwell with Him forever.